Alpha Build 0.26.0

Rally of Rockets Changes in Alpha 0.26.0:

- Fixed: Position Tracker inaccuracies and midrace join.
- Added: PBR Materials for roughness and metalness workflow; NEW VISUALS.
- Environment mapped cube maps for reflections of the new materials.
- Saving Loading of Game/Physics Tuning Data
- Fixed: Position Tracker inaccuracies and midrace join.
- Developer flag in settings file to disable gui/hud.
- Show Hud flag in settings file to disable the hud.
- Cascaded Shadow Maps debug mode to render 'colored' part of RenderTarget.
- NEW Physics 2.0 (still work in progress, very sloppy at high speed)
- Started playing with new drifting with (slightly) better initiation.
- Particles! Particles! Particles!!! Flames, smoke and dust!
- Instanced rendering for the particles (to avoid low performance).
- Started with 15012 OpenGL calls. Down to 5404 OpenGL calls (in non-development builds)
- Audio! Audio! Audio! First build with audio effects!!!
- Added more track surface the track environment.
- Added props of the bucket loader and dump truck.
- Easier tuning (dev builds) of maximum top-speed and engine power.
- Rocket now stops a bit better and stays stopped (kinda) on flat surfaces.
- New rocket car reveal first time [ONLINE ONLY].
- Fixed: Bug with audio being played multiple times for others players. (it is currently 2d audio need 3d)
- Added: Supersampling (SSAA) setting added to settings file.
- Changed: Default setting for SSAA (1) and Shadow stability.
- Added a setting to show/hide particles.
- Added: Volume sliders on settings screen.
- Added: Amazing title screen art by Aubrey Serr.
- Added: Missiles shooting over the network.
- Fixed: Volume sliders on settings screen did not modify volume dynamically.



Alpha (macOS) 27 MB
Version 0.26.0 Dec 26, 2018
Alpha (Windows) 25 MB
Version 0.26.0 Dec 26, 2018
Alpha (Linux) 25 MB
Version 0.26.0 Dec 26, 2018

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